
Rules of Content Marketing: Collection, Curation, Cultivation, Creation

Remember, Group #4 will be joining the hangout at 5:30 on February 25, 2013. The rest of the class will watch the On Air Broadcast of class below.

This page will not be functioning properly until 2/25/2013 at 5:30 PM.


On-Air Broadcast

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To use Tweetchat, make sure to login to your twitter account (by clicking on the “Sign In” button in the top right of the Tweetchat screen). I created this page so that you could see the OnAir video as well as engage in the conversation on Twitter within a single screen. Try scrolling down to where the video and Tweetchat are at the top of your screen. If you would prefer to open them in separate windows, you may do that.

Type your questions, comments, or answers in the “Message to #utcdigmktg:” text box and hit the Update button. Watch the feed of tweets and interact with others using the reply, retweet and favorite buttons on each tweet.





During tonight’s class we are discussing:

  • Content Creation
  • Content Curation
  • Cultivation and Creation