Teaching is My Passion

Since 2012 I have been teaching the Digital Marketing class at University of Tennessee Chattanooga for MBA and undergraduate students since the fall of 2012. At that time, I was president of a marketing agency.

Marketing Focus

  • Core Ideology
  • Branding
  • Messaging & Communications
  • Strategic Planning
  • Lead Generation
  • Database Marketing

Digital Focus

  • Social Media Strategy
  • Internet Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Pay Per Click Advertising
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Mobile marketing

Branding & Leadership Focus

  • Retreat Facilitation
  • Meeting Facilitation
  • Core Ideology Discovery
  • Strategic Planning
  • Custom Application Architecture

Education Focus

  • Speaking Engagements
  • Digital Expert for Television
  • Professor
  • Blogging on Business Topics of Leadership and Marketing

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I consume a number of audiobooks, but how do you retain all of the content? Here are a few tips that I use to improve comprehension and use of audiobooks.

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