- Jeremy Floyd - http://www.jeremyfloyd.com -

Stories Are Deeper Than an Update

You know the old adage  “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” Well, we do…I know that I do. Inside that dust jacket or outer covers, each “book” or human has its own story that may take pages or years to uncover. One of the ills with the rise of social media is that our relationships have even less nuance. With hundreds of connections across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, we come to judge a person by their avatar. There’s always a story, but sometimes we have to dig deeper than 140 characters.


Many of my favorite social media friends have a story that they don’t tell…especially online. It’s the details of their “little brother” or their hike on the Appalachian Trail or their battle against cancer that gives dimension and depth to the sparse updates they give online.

So, in the season of rebirth this spring, take a leap and build a new relationship. Contact someone that you only know online and see if they want to meet for coffee or lunch and get to know them. It may be one of the best investments that you make this year.

Happy Easter!

Dragunsk’s image used via creative commons license.