- Jeremy Floyd - http://www.jeremyfloyd.com -

Without Incident

The end of the world came and went largely without incident. As much as we hope to believe great events occur on the unique numbered days (i.e. 06-06-06, 8-8-88, etc.), really life is far too arbitrary. We happen to days, and our calendars are forever changed–marked with the significance of human accomplishment and defeat.

I will say that I was looking forward to Armegeddon yesterday. I even made a couple of eggs for breakfast, and I took a shot of whiskey with my OJ–just for the hell of it. I drove to my class looking for the end, but the end was not to be had, at least not yesterday. After class, I went to Burrito Diablo, but the devil was not there. I left bloated but found now end in sight.

So, here i write 6-7-06. We made it. yippee.  Maybe next July we will have another glimmer of hope.