- Jeremy Floyd - http://www.jeremyfloyd.com -



What do you do when sitting in the waiting room? Tell Stories.

Izaak’s mom just told a story about his hard head. When he was only six years old, his older sister Katie decided to take a trip to McDonald’s. Izaak ran and jumped on the rear of the station wagon. Without realizing Izaak was on the car she motored down the road. When she finally realized that he was on there, she hit the brakes and Izaak took the quick trip to the ground. They were certain that he had died.

Donna prayed desparately for him, and he began to whimper. After finally getting him to the hospital, the catscan revealed a fractured skull. Several days later he had a blood clot on the brain and they had to open up his head to remove the clot. This hard-headed kid made it swimmingly as we believe we will today.